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Afis Computer Programs

Identification Information Technology Section. The members of the Identification Information Technology Section are instrumental in providing technological services to the law enforcement community statewide. From the development and implementation of state of the art applications to the electronic publishing of crime statistics to using mapping to identify high crime areas, this Section enables the Division to stay at the forefront of the nationwide drive to better use todays technological advances to fight crime. The Section is comprised of the following Bureaus and Units Criminal Justice Records Bureau. The following Units make up the Criminal Justice Records Bureau Criminal Records Unit. This unit is responsible for processing and maintaining all state police investigation, arrest and criminal related reports. All requests for discovery regarding criminal investigations conducted by the Division of State Police are processed by the Criminal Records Unit. Records Archives Management Unit. Afis Computer Programs' title='Afis Computer Programs' />This unit perpetuates state police documents through digitizing and microfilming of records produced throughout the. Division. The records archive is maintained as per the Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. Records Management Services. It also maintains the state police Records Retention Schedule System and legally destroys. Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Service. Records Management Service. Traffic Records Unit This unit is responsible for processing and maintaining all State Police motor vehicle non toll, drinking driving and boating accident reports. All requests for discovery regarding drinking driving investigations conducted by the Division of State Police are processed by the Traffic Records Unit. Uniform Crime Reporting Unit This unit is responsible for the collection, compilation, and analysis of crime statistics reported by all law enforcement agencies within the state. An impartial and comprehensive account of the reported crime in the state is prepared and produced in the Crime in New Jersey annual publication. The unit submits these statistics, on behalf of the state, to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Uniform Crime Report Program. The unit collects and analyzes all domestic violence, bias, carjacking, and assault firearms incidents occurring statewide. Afis Computer Programs' title='Afis Computer Programs' />Based on the data collected, the unit produces an annual New Jersey Domestic Violence Report, Bias Incident Report and. Carjacking Offense Report. The Annual Carjacking Offense Report is a comprehensive report which outlines the extent, type, and. New Jersey. Back Top. Information Technology Bureau. Download Ne-Yo Year Of The Gentleman Deluxe Zip Software here. The Information Technology Bureau provides the Division of State Police with the technical expertise and support necessary to carry out the Divisions mission through the strategic use of computerization. F_66035893_QgVk9WM2AgiblhazcfpLbUMgbJdurgP7.jpg' alt='Afis Computer Programs' title='Afis Computer Programs' />Further, the Information Technology Bureau augments the Law Enforcement Communitys ability to protect and serve by facilitating the storage and retrieval of computerized information relevant to preserving the publics safety. Information Security Unit. The Information Security Unit is responsible for the safeguard of information contained within the Division of State Police Computing resources. Crack Wondershare Data Recovery more. Associated with these responsibilities is the security and integrity of the network from intrusion, disruption and destruction of sensitive data. The Information Security Unit provides proactive monitoring of the CJIS Network and is responsible for network security design and configuration. They also conduct periodic field audits to ensure local, county and State compliance with FBI CJIS regulations. The Information Security Unit implements and maintains the requirements for the federally mandated state Information Security Officer ISO and serves as a state level focal point for the gathering and dissemination of information for other local, county, state and military on information security issues. IT Contracting Unit. The IT Contracting Unit provides Division wide Information Technology IT Purchasing Services. IT Systems Support Unit. Responsible for receiving personal computers and related peripherals e. Images/a_computer_chip.jpg' alt='Afis Computer Programs' title='Afis Computer Programs' />Afis Computer ProgramsFeature that allows cellular wireless phones to receive incoming calls when roaming. Crime Scene Investigation Articles. Computer Forensics. Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence, United States Secret Service. What is OPUS This Online Positioning User Service OPUS provides simplified access to highaccuracy National Spatial Reference System NSRS coordinates. Division. Implements the setup, bench testing and installation of each computer system. Performs the eradication of detected computer viruses and the restoration of affected data. Repairs personal computer and related peripherals. Microcomputer Database Development Unit. Responsible for design, writing, testing and debugging of personal computerlocal area network database applications and the administration of the Divisions database servers. Network Services Unit. The Network Services Unit NSU is responsible for the planning, development, configuration, implementation, and maintenance. Division of State Police data network. This State wide infrastructure is comprised of the physical wiring, routers. The unit develops, deploys, and maintains the Division of State Police Storage Area Network, including strategies. It is charges with the management of all network authentication of users and. DHCP and DNS. NSU designs, implements, and maintains all email services for the. Division, including remote and mobile access. Ten Tec Pegasus Software. The unit deploys and maintains all systems in accordance with policies of the NJSP. Information Security Unit as well as the NJOIT security mandates. Operations Support Unit. The Operations Support Unit identifies information technologies having strategic value to the Divisions business and enforcement activities. The unit is responsible for proper implementation and operation of the Computer Aided Dispatch system, Mobile Data Computers, Digital In Video Recorder, E ticketing, Electronic Accident Reporting and all personal computers and related peripheral devices for the Field Operations Section. Programming Unit. The unit writes, tests, and debugs computer programs based on specifications written by the System Design Unit. The unit coordinates the programming efforts of the Office of Information Technology personnel assigned to the New Jersey State Police application development projects. New Jersey State Police applications such as the Human Resource System, Records Management System and the e. Daily have been created by the Programming Unit. These core applications were all designed, coded, and implemented in house using our own team of State Police and civilian personnel. Systems Design Unit. The Systems Design Unit SDU is part of the Information Technology Bureau ITB. Its primary mission is to design custom IT solutions for the New Jersey State Police as well as the NJ law enforcement community at large. The unit is comprised of both enlisted and civilian personnel, all with strong analytical and programming skills. SDU also coordinates the analytical efforts of personnel assigned from the Office of Information Technology. SDU is also responsible for coordinating the development and maintenance of the IT solutions they design. This is done in conjunction with the Programming Unit in ITB.